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Ingredients for black beans



Puerto Rican Food 
Comida Boricua

Puerto Ricans are made up of different ethnicities, specifically  Spanish, African, and Indigenous Tainos (Native Indians from the island).  That being said, our food is an exquisite blend of all of the above.  

Puerto Rican food is a flavorful combination of savory dishes from these three different cultures. 




Breakfast with sofrito? Yes!
¿Desayuno con sofrito?  ¡Si!

Did you know that sofrito can be added to eggs?  Well, I didn't until I did it.  One day I was going to make breakfast, but looking at my refrigerator (and the freezer) I discovered that I rarely had anything.  I did have eggs and sofrito.  I didn't have onions or peppers and it was time to eat.  OK, I said, if I put peppers and onions on my eggs ... then why not sofrito?  That's what I did and we all ate.  I became my new dish.

¿Sabías que se le puede agregar sofrito a los huevos? Bueno, no lo hice hasta que lo hice. Un día iba a hacer el desayuno, pero mirando mi heladera (y el freezer) descubrí que pocas veces tenía algo. Tuve huevos y sofrito. No tenía cebollas ni pimientos y era hora de comer. OK, dije, si le pongo pimientos y cebollas a mis huevos... ¿entonces por qué no sofrito? Eso es lo que hice y todos comimos. Me convertí en mi nuevo plato.

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